Exchanges & Support
AYSON offers the following futures exchanges for the ATS Desktop, ATS WebTrader and ATS Mobile platforms.
For GLOBEX Technical and Product Support, click here.
CME Group – A CME/Chicago Board of Trade Company
Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBT)
Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX)New York Commodities Exchange (COMEX)
New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)
Phone: +1 800 438 8616
Order Management Tools:
Firmsoft: FirmSoft is a browser-based order management tool that provides real-time visibility into working and filled orders, across multiple firm IDs, in the CME Globex® order management database. FirmSoft provides important alternative
access to working and filled orders during system failures.
Telestat: TeleSTAT is an automated system that enables individual traders to cancel and status CME Globex orders over the phone. After entering a unique ID and PIN, users quickly navigate through the menu prompts to expedite their
Firmsoft and Telestat Information
Subscribe to Alerts and Communications
Various CME Forms
For Eurex Technical and Product Support, click here.
Phone: +49-69-2 11-1 12 10
For HKEX Technical and Product Support, click here.
Tel:(852) 2522 1122
For SGX Technical and Product Support, click here.
General Enquiries : +65 6535 7511
Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday – 8.30am to 5.00pm
Saturday – 8.30am to 12.00pm
For CDP services and contact details, click here.

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